For families with medically fragile children, sibling relationships play a pivotal role in creating a strong, supportive home environment.
The holiday season is a time for love, togetherness, and making memories that last a lifetime. For families with special needs, the holidays can offer unique opportunities to celebrate what makes your family special.
As the fall season begins, it’s a great time to focus on keeping our kids strong and healthy. Cooler temperatures and the start of the school year often bring new routines and more time indoors, making immune-boosting habits even more important.
October is National Physical Therapy Month, a time to celebrate the transformative power of physical therapy, especially for children with medical challenges and special needs.
Adaptive sports offer families with children of all abilities a wonderful opportunity to engage in physical activity, strengthen family bonds, and create joyful memories together.
As we bid farewell to summer and welcome the exciting rhythm of a new school year, it’s the perfect moment to reimagine our morning routines, especially for families with children who have special needs.
In pediatric home health care, particularly for children with special needs, establishing a solid routine is a lifeline that brings order and peace.
Summer is here, a season brimming with promise and excitement. At VIVA Pediatrics, we understand that every child, including those with mobility challenges, deserves to experience the joy and freedom of summer.
As we welcome the month of May, VIVA Pediatrics is proud to observe an exceptionally important event—Nurses Month. During this time, we take a moment to acknowledge and honor the outstanding individuals who form the core of our healthcare services: our nurses.
April marks a significant period for children with special needs, their families, and the dedicated staff who work tirelessly to support them. Autism Awareness Month is a time to raise awareness and an opportunity to foster understanding, share resources, and offer practical tips to enhance the lives of those touched by autism.
March is a time of renewal and growth, a perfect opportunity to celebrate the boundless curiosity of our youngest explorers. It’s also National Poison Prevention Month, a crucial period dedicated to fostering a safe environment where children’s curiosity can flourish without the shadow of potential dangers.
Love, in its purest form, is an unconditional commitment to the well-being of another. For children with disabilities, this love becomes a beacon of hope and a source of strength. It’s not just about medical treatments and therapies; it’s about creating an environment where the child feels valued, understood, and supported.
In the world of pediatric health care, the journey to recovery or managing a condition is often marked by incremental progress. Acknowledging and celebrating these small victories plays a significant role in the overall well-being and motivation of both children and their caregivers.
As the festive season approaches, it’s a wonderful opportunity to explore and celebrate the rich tapestry of holiday traditions from around the globe. Whether you’re a healthcare professional, parent, or caregiver, understanding these diverse customs can foster a spirit of inclusivity and joy in our homes and communities.
As the holiday season approaches, families everywhere look forward to spending quality time together, with many kids getting extended breaks from school. This often means more screen time, whether it be gaming, surfing the web, or catching up on their favorite shows. As parents, it’s crucial to ensure that our kids remain digitally aware and safe during this period of increased online activity.
Halloween can be a scary time - especially for parents of children with allergies. One in thirteen children have a potentially life-threatening food allergy. Whether that’s peanuts, wheat, eggs, or another allergen, Halloween candy can feel like a minefield of possible dangers. Here are some tips to make the holiday the fun type of spooky, not one that will leave children feeling left out, sad, or worse, sick.
As kids head back to school and the weather starts to get colder, illnesses will start to pop up all around you. If you or your family is not feeling your best, sometimes inflammation is to blame. Inflammation is a natural process in the body where inflammatory cells act as first responders against viruses, bacteria, or toxic chemicals. The process helps the body heal from acute distress, like disease or injury. However, inflammation can become chronic, which makes the body perform suboptimally and can lead to other illnesses.
As summer winds down, you may be thinking about back-to-school sales and what you’ll need to buy for school supplies and new clothes for your kids. While teachers send home lists of needed classroom items, you might want to make your own list - a back-to-school list for your school-age kids’ health and safety.
Summer is officially here. The solstice occurred on June 21st. But more practically, it feels like summer in most parts of the United States. Heat waves are expected across the country and many states have seen or are expecting temperatures above 100, or even 110 degrees. While we usually associate summertime with relaxing and fun, this heat can cause health problems for anyone exposed to it for too long. As the thermometer rises, here are a few things to watch out for you and your family’s health and safety.
The first week of June is National CPR and AED awareness week. As we prepare for warm weather get-togethers or trips, ensure you know what you need to know to keep your friends and family safe this summer and beyond.
This Mother’s Day, there is no greater gift you can give yourself than a good night’s sleep. A lack of sleep can hurt every area of your life, decreasing your willpower, leading to weight gain and obesity, and sapping your energy and focus. Despite the numerous studies on the dangers of not sleeping, Americans average six hours and forty minutes of sleep during the week, and 20 percent of Americans get fewer than six hours a night. While it may be difficult as a parent to get a full night’s sleep, you can optimize the sleep you do get with some simple habit changes. All of these changes require very little time and money to implement. In fact, most are completely free.
Now that spring has begun in many parts of the country, you and your family may be spending more time outside. If you are cultivating a garden or hiking on trails, you need to know what to avoid to keep your family safe from poisonous plants. Here’s how to identify many common poisonous plants and what to do if your kids are exposed.
Since 1943, March has been Red Cross month in the U.S., a celebration of “the individuals across the country who turn compassion into action, helping others in times of crisis.” In light of this critical mission, we are talking about an important first aid skill this month, how to prevent, recognize, and help choking children.
In February, it seems like hearts are everywhere. You might have cartoon hearts on your clothes, in your house, or to give out to kids’ friends at school. But when was the last time you thought about your own heart? February has been American Heart Month since 1964, encouraging us all to take steps to be more hearthealthy. Unfortunately, heart disease is still the top cause of death in the U.S. It can be hard for parents to find the time to prioritize their own health, but it is also important to make sure that you can care for and play with your children for years to come. In that spirit, here are some heart-healthy tips that you can easily implement as part of your family’s regular routines:
The start of a new year always comes with new goals, whether it’s working out more, getting organized, spending less, or eating healthier. These last two goals can be accomplished together by eating more meals at home. You can incorporate more vegetables, fruit, and other healthy ingredients into your meals when you cook at home. Plus, you know that there is no added sugar or unhealthy fats hidden in your meal since you’re the one who made it! However, for many busy families, it is difficult to find the time and energy to cook at home. Meal planning can be a big help, but it can be overwhelming to get started. Here are some tips to help you ease into meal planning to achieve your 2023 goals.
Once November rolls around, toy companies begin a marketing blitz. All of the manufacturers want to ensure your children have the newest toy on their wish list. Whether it’s Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or even winter birthdays, the temptation to keep up with the mythical Joneses can be intense. But whether you are looking to keep a minimal household or just avoid the latest craze quickly becoming the latest clutter in your house, non-toy gifts might be the solution to this madness. Here are a few non-toy ideas for the kids in your life, no matter their age.
Studies have shown that gratitude is good for you. It can make you happier, healthier, and more able to deal with adversity. It even strengthens the relationships around you. As parents, we especially want our children to be grateful. Gratitude is the antidote to entitled or rude kids, right? But how can we instill gratitude in our children without it being a burden? Is Thanksgiving just a one-time-a-year opportunity or can we take its lessons into the coming days and months? Here are a few ways to make gratitude a year-long practice.
For many households, Halloween is a most exciting day of the year, what with the fun costumes and going trick or treating around the neighbourhood? I know the mood is no different for your family especially with Halloween around the corner.
National Read a Book day is September 6. To celebrate, we are offering a few book suggestions, depending on your mood.
August is a time when everyone is thinking of kids going back to school. Whether you’re taking advantage of a tax-free shopping weekend, or just getting ready for the school year, we have the top items you need for a safe and healthy school year.
With summer firmly upon us, kids are looking for entertaining activities to fill their time, and parents are looking to ensure those activities are educational. One idea for a fun and instructional lesson is to teach your children about community helpers. Summer is packed with patriotic holidays – it kicks off with Memorial Day, ramps up with Flag Day, and has the big finale with Independence Day. You can use these holidays to show children about the people that make this country great. Community helpers are an excellent place to start.
June is hunger awareness month, and the past few years have demonstrated how much we need community to help end this major crisis in our country. According to the USDA, 38 million people in America suffer from food insecurity, including 12 million children. This food insecurity occurs in every community in the country. The good news is that you can help! Many organizations welcome volunteers to help them assist the food insecure or other vulnerable populations.
May is National Bike Month! Biking is an excellent activity for families to do together. It allows kids and parents to be active and enjoy the outdoors while also exploring areas further than they could reach on foot. It is much more eco-friendly than driving and can be adapted for kids of all ages! If you are interested in getting your family biking together this spring and summer, here are a few tips to get started:
April is Occupational Therapy Month! This observance began in 1980 to celebrate the practitioners and researchers of this field. To join in on the celebration, we are taking a brief look at Occupational Therapy, specifically Pediatric Occupational Therapy, and how to get the most out of your child’s OT experience.
“I am going to try to pay attention to the spring. I am going to look around at all the flowers, and look up at the hectic trees. I am going to close my eyes and listen.” Anne Lamott Spring is blowing on a breeze through the window and calling us to go outside and explore. Did you know that the air quality inside our homes is often more toxic than the air outside? According to the EPA, indoor air pollutants can be found at higher levels than in the air outside. This is a solemn thought considering many children spend most of their days indoors! It is time to take advantage of the beautiful weather outside and get some fresh air.
Healthy habits can be challenging. Keeping healthy habits while also taking care of kids can be very challenging. It may feel impossible as a parent to fit anything else into your already jampacked schedule. Exercising shouldn’t be a burden, however. You can find fun ways to move your body that also let you spend valuable time with your family. By being active together, not only do you get a workout, you instill good habits in your kids that can last them a whole lifetime. We have compiled a list of family-friendly workouts that you can try this weekend with your kids.
As the days get colder, you may be looking for some educational indoor activities to do with your children. Whether it’s a New Year’s resolution to read more or you just want to snuggle up with a good book, here are the best books from 2021 for your family:
As fall turns to winter and the weather begins to get colder, you might be looking for ways to keep yourself and your family healthy during both the holiday and flu season. Follow these simple tips to keep your family in top shape this winter and beyond.
The holiday season is a time to spread cheer, spend time with loved ones and give back to those in need in both small and big ways. Individuals are often inspired this time of year to help transform the world into a better place by contributing, donating and fundraising for communities, both locally and abroad.
Whether your family counts a holiday vacation among your treasured traditions or you’re anticipating a holiday getaway for the first time, getting an early start on your planning can help ensure your trip is filled with good tidings and joy.
Fall is almost here! Although the Texas hot summer days seem to be lingering longer than we’d like, cooler days are just around the corner! We can all start looking forward to spending more time outdoors and enjoying the many fall events and activities that Texas has to offer. As we wait for the sweltering heat to subside, take time as a family to plan your next outing. Search for the many events and activities coming up soon in your area.
If you’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19, you’ve taken the first step toward protecting yourself and your family and returning to activities you did before the pandemic. - Some family members may still need to take steps to protect themselves against COVID-19, such as children too young to get vaccinated or people with weakened immune systems.
Curiosity and the desire for adventure is innate, and it is shaped over time by experiences beginning as young children. With each new experience, the brain catalogues what happened, if it was successful or not, and how it could have been improved. It’s critical for survival.
Summer can be fun and exciting especially for kids, but for parents, it may be a different story if we do not take the time to plan and get organized. As we get into the summer and into the rhythm of things with new schedules, routines, and activities, it is a good idea to be proactive in order to avoid unnecessary stress. We have all been there. School is out, our kids are at home, daycare or at summer camp, and we have to adjust to their new schedule while maintaining our own along with our sanity! Suddenly our regular responsibilities of being a parent are now amplified as we struggle to juggle with the new summer routine. Do not despair, take a deep breath, and focus on putting the puzzle pieces together to the start of a wonderful and stress-free (or somewhat stress-free) summer.
May is Better Hearing Month…what better time to treat yourself to the rich sound tapestry in our world. From hearing someone say “I love you,” to enjoying the spring chorus of song birds, the sense of hearing helps us to connect with others and to our world.
Have you ever wondered when is a good time to teach children about money? Have you even thought about it, or have you just assumed they would learn about it at school? Although schools may teach the basics of money, it is usually not enough to prepare children for real life experiences.
As a parent or caregiver of a child with disabilities, many may wonder if having a pet would be a good idea or even a possibility. In many instances, research has shown that not only can it be possible, but that it may bring many benefits for a child. Depending on the type of disability, there are several different pets that can be considered.
Spring break is right around the corner and many of us may be wondering what it will be like this year. With the pandemic still affecting everyday life and amplifying the dreaded cabin fever, know that you can still enjoy a safe and fun break. What’s important is to focus on what you CAN do rather than what you can’t do. Whether you’re craving a little getaway or prefer to stay within the safety of the great indoors, start planning now! There are many options to consider that may help with the “COVID-19 blues” and allow you to enjoy a much-needed break.
Happy New Year! It is amazing how quickly, and yet how slowly, time moves on. It seems as though it was just last New Year’s Eve and everyone was so excited for 2020 with its perfectly aligned holidays on weekends. What a shock it was in March when our “perfect year” became a perfect mess!
I love my schedule and that my time spent working is an investment in not only the life of a child, but the health of a family.